Arcam SA Series – Secretly Awesome Amps
When thinking about manufacturers of amplifiers, Arcam might not be the first name that pops into your head. Maybe after hearing what Arcam’s new SA series of integrated amplifiers offer they’ll start to demand your consideration. There are three integrated amplifiers in the lineup, the SA10 ($1,000), SA20 ($1,500), and SA30 ($3,000). Digressing from specs, each has as much power as most speakers would require as well as a built-in DAC and phono stage – making it easy to accommodate your digital and analog sources.
The important thing is how these unassuming integrated amps sound. Each sound powerful, musical, and engaging – a high value at each of their price points. They just get better as you go up. We haven’t found anything superior for the money.
While the SA10 and SA20 have been available for audition at both showrooms for some time, we have recently received the SA30 at both showrooms and are very happy with what we are hearing so far. Curious? Stop by or make an appointment to listen to Arcam’s secretly awesome amps.
With our Trade Up program, you could begin with the SA10 and Trade Up to the SA20 or SA30 later receiving 100% of what you paid for the SA10 back toward your upgrade! This program makes it easy to protect your investment and makes upgrading easy when you’re ready.
Arcam SA10 paired with ELAC Debut Reference speakers in our Omaha Showroom – Read more about the Arcam SA10 integrated amplifier HERE
Arcam SA20 paired with Monitor Audio Silver 300 speakers in our Omaha/KC Showrooms Read more about the Arcam SA20 integrated amplifier HERE
NEW! Arcam SA30 paired with Sonus faber Sonetto V speakers in our Omaha/KC Showrooms – Read more about the Arcam SA30 integrated amplifier HERE